Monday, November 21, 2011


My parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Christmas Day! Now that I am married anniversaries are so much more special to me.I have realized the work it takes to keep a marriage loving & faith centered.My parents have been such a wonderful example of that!I'm blessed to have such wonderful examples.So in honor of their anniversary I'd like to share some things I've learned about life,love & marriage.

1.Never go to bed angry.
2.Falling in love is easy,staying in love takes work.
3.Love is a choice u make each day.
4.Sometimes love is doing something you don't want to for the love of your spouse.
5.Best time to talk abt a problem isn't when u are mad.
6.There is always something to worry about but just don't.
7.If the light is green go if it is yellow slow down & if its red check your lipstick.
8.Trust in the Lord.
9.Our futures are not guaranteed.
10.Do what u love & the money will follow.
11.Pray pray PRAY!!
12.Raising a family is work..but thank God everyday for your family.

My parents..:)
 Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! Thank you for all your wonderful advice & always leading by example.Love you! Here's to many more happy years together!

Hopeless Romantic..:)

My scrumptious Garlic & Cheese Rotini w/ grilled ckn I fixed

Our cozy fire..we had cheese & grapes..

Our dining room table set..:)
My hubby tells me that I am a hopeless romantic..I guess he is right..I like candlelit dinners,roses etc etc but I like to do things like this for him as well.Friday nights are our date he had to wrk I fixed a really nice meal..I fixed Garlic & Cheese Rotini w/ grilled chicken & dirty spanish rice..I turned on our electric logs in our was cozy that's for sure..we laid on our air mattress in front of the fire..first tho we had dinner @ our dining room table..I lit candles & we ate off our nice china & we drank out of our champagne glasses..Saturday we went to Gainesville for Jessica & Adrien's birthday...cake,gifts,pinata bashing everyone had a blast! Check out the b'day pics!

Happy 1st B'Day Adrien!