Saturday, November 26, 2011

25 Random Things About Me..:)

1.Every night b4 going to bed I exfoliate my face.
2.I don't know how to play not one musical instrument..I know it's sad..LOL!
3.I suffer from migraines but not as often as I used to..whew!
4.I love scrapbooking.
5.I married my best friend.
6.I lack patience.
7.I was a CNA when I met my hubby.
8.I love Dairy Queen's Fench Vanilla Moo Lattes'.
9.I love technology & gadgets.
10.I love to watch it snow inside where it's warm.
11.I got my GED.
12.Cathy is my BFF even tho she died in September from Pancreatic Cancer.
13.I currently have 420 Facebook friends.
14.I was born with one kidney & a heart defect & I did end up having open heart surgery when I was 6 months old.
15.My fave color is pink.
16.Around the Christmas holidays my fav movies are How The Grinch Stole Christmas & The Christmas Story.
17.I love caramel apples.
18.Organization is one of my strengths.
19.I'm spoiled rotten by my parents b/c I'm the youngest & my hubby spoils me too.
20.I get manicures regularly but have never had a pedicure..cannot stand anyone touching my feet..very
21.I love to go out but I'm a homebody too.
22.It's impossible for me to pick a fave dessert b/c I love all sweet things..I have a sweet tooth!
23.I have a 9 yr old son who is growing like a weed & I'm enjoying every moment I can with him.
24.I love to decorate for each holiday...<3
25.Last but not least I love all my family..Family IS what it's all about.Jason my nephew taught me how precious family really are.You learn something from someone in life..I've learned alot from diff ppl in my life but that's what Jason taught me & that is quite possibly the most valuable thing to learn!