Friday, January 13, 2012

Thirty-Eight!!!! Holy Gucamole!!


Yep,I'll be 38 on Febuary 1st..cake,balloons &! It's hard to believe in 2 more yrs I'll be the BIG 40..for some reason most days I don't feel a year over 16..then I look at my son & realize it's not possible my son is turning 10 soon so yeah..but on my birthday I'll close my eyes & pretend that it's once again my sweet 16th birthday..I don't want to be grown yet but when I was 16 I couldn't wait to be grown..funny how things!!
My birthday falls on a Wednesday this year so my hubby will be wrking & my son will be in school so I guess that day will be a pampering myself day..meaning I will most likely head to the nail salon for a mani,maybe take a long hot bubble bath & while I soak read a good book or at least some of it & maybe get my huby to give me a hot oil massage when he gets home from wrk & maybe that morning he will fix breakfast & let me sleep in after all it will be my birthday..:)

New Year,New Beginnings..:D

I haven't blogged in awhile since yesterday but thru the holidays nothing u thought I wasn't around anymore huh? As u can see that's not the case..I'm very much alive & kicking!! During the holidays I didn't get a chance to blog I was so stinkin busy to be completely honest with! Plus I had some health issues come up..I had a pretty big shoulder it was swollen so I had a CT Scan with dye to find out what it's a small nodule on my thyroid nothing that needs attention right now my Dr is just going to watch it closely & do another test on it in March..then I have had problems being nauseated,problems with my bowels,dizziness,no appetite so I went to see a GI Dr.& he scheduled me to have an endoscopy & colonoscopy done next week so this will tell all..hope it's nothing serious!

Things I hope happen this year-2012..:)
1.AJ continues making good grades.
2.We can buy a new fridge as ours is leaking..ugghh! see AJ smile more & more..:)
4.we go to Daytona Beach,Florida together as a family..
5.We go to Atlanta to see the laser show..
6.that we will have an awesome winter & at least see some of that pretty white stuff fall from the sky..:D
7.I will continue to lose weight..but not being sick in order to do so..
8.that my family & I will stay healthy..

Dreams I have..we all can dream!
1.that I look slim & trim-(might happen..hard wrk & who knows?)
2.that this will be AJ's best year yet..:)

My Plans..:)  

Now for the plans: that is something completely different,I don't really like to plan anything in my life really..I like when things just happen.I've learned that no matter how much u plan something,it will never happen the way you planned it anyway...LOL!

1.I would love to upgrade our house:new flooring as in take up all this carpet & put down wood flooring especially since we all have allergies & Asthma..they say carpet is the nastiest thing in a home.Maybe some new wallpaper in some rooms-(if we do it in wee steps it should be doable)
2.Shopping-Me going to a huge shopping mall & buying all new clothes in 4-6 sizes smaller than what I wear now..YAY!
3.A weeks vacation to the beach full with lots of fun things to do-minature golf,biking,swimming,swimming with dolphins,deep sea fishing etc etc.
4.A cruise just the hubby & I to somewhere like Hawaii or Bahamas..<3!
Hope u all have a fabulous weekend!