Friday, January 20, 2012

Becoming A Big Kid..:)

AJ @ 8 months old..:)
My 9 year old has been pulling teeth like crazy lately..soon he want have anymore to pull they will all be permanet teeth..makes me a lil tearful..:( First comes loose teeth then comes college-it's a natural progression.How did this happen? Only yesterday I was potty training him & feeding him baby food..I was overloaded with all the stuff one needs to survive with a baby & now we're good to go with a Gatorade & his Nintendo 3DS.He used to be in Pullups & learning to stay dry @ night & now he has better aim @ the toilet than his dad! I just don't know where the time went quite frankly.I used to read him bedtime stories @ night now he reads to me & knows how to tell time & knows how to play computer games..this generation of kids are so smart! As a mom who cannot stop time-(believe me I try on a daily basis) I marvel @ the new accomplishments that appear everyday.I made that-(my son,AJ) with the help of my hubby of! I have a big,smart handsome,affectionate son who is growing up & bringing me joy every second he is in my life.As a mom that's all I can ask for..:)

AJ's Treasure Drawer

We have many treasures in our house..I'm talking abt those small kid toys u happen to find all over the house & u never know what to do with it.With a 9 year old we have managed to accumulate alot of stuff-a scary amount.While AJ was still out for holiday break we went thru just abt every room in the house & cleaned organized & purged like crazy.I was ruthless & we got rid of bags & bags of stuff.It was fantastic! AJ was great & willing to let go of some of his older things to make room for the new things he got for Christmas.However for some reason he finds it hard to part with the smaller random stuff he's collected-rocks,cards,erasers,stickers,plastic bugs & the list goes on.So I came up w/ a solution-A Treasure Drawer..:)

This has worked really well for us..everything has its place-it's a good thing! A very good thing for my sanity..clutter makes me

Changing the subject:I'm a BIG fan of playtime..I'm not talking abt video games or watching TV..don't get me wrong we have TV's & we watch them & we have tons of video games..but I think playing with toys is crucial to allowing kids to use their imagination & learn to share & play well with others..I'm a big fan of play that requires both imagination & creativity so toys such as Legos,building blocks,brain teasers,card & board games are very popular around our house.Of course getting outside is also important-my hubby plays catch with him & I play basketball with hubby plays football & takes him hunting & fishing.We all ride bikes & go to the park & play frisbee.Hope u all have a fantastic day!